How to Wash Crochet Blankets: Our Effective Tips

Crocheted blankets add a timeless and cherished touch to any home. They offer comfort and personality to any area. Maintaining them well is key to preserving their look and snugness. Knowing how to properly clean a crochet blanket is essential for keeping its quality and longevity intact. Refer to our guide for the right care tips.

How to Wash Crochet Blankets

When it comes to washing a crochet blanket, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to read the care label and follow any specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. If there are no instructions, it is generally safe to wash the blanket in cold water on a gentle cycle. It is also recommended to use a mild detergent and avoid using fabric softeners or bleach.

Another important consideration is the type of yarn used to make the blanket. Some yarns are more delicate and require special care. For example, wool yarn should be washed in cold water and laid flat to dry to prevent shrinking and felting. On the other hand, acrylic yarn is more durable and can withstand machine washing and drying on low heat. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your crochet blanket stays in great condition for years to come.


Washing a crochet blanket is a delicate process that requires proper preparation. Before washing your blanket, it is essential to gather all the necessary supplies to ensure that the process goes smoothly. This section will provide you with all the information you need to prepare for washing your crochet blanket.

Gather Supplies

To wash your crochet blanket, you will need the following supplies:

  1. Mild detergent: Use a mild detergent that is gentle on the fibers of your blanket. Avoid using harsh detergents that can damage the fabric.
  2. Soft-bristled brush: A soft-bristled brush will help you remove any dirt or debris that may be stuck in the fibers of your blanket.
  3. Large sink or bathtub: You will need a large sink or bathtub to soak your blanket in.
  4. Clean towels: You will need clean towels to dry your blanket after washing.
  5. Fabric softener: Fabric softener can help make your blanket softer and more comfortable to use.
  6. Stain remover: If your blanket has any stains, you may need a stain remover to remove them.

Once you have gathered all the necessary supplies, you are ready to start washing your crochet blanket. In the next section, we will discuss the steps to follow when washing your blanket.

how to wash crochet blanket

Hand Washing

When it comes to washing a crochet blanket, hand washing is always the safest option. Not only does it help preserve the delicate fibers of the blanket, but it also ensures that it is thoroughly cleaned. Here are the steps to follow when hand washing a crochet blanket:

Fill Sink with Water

Fill a clean sink or basin with cool or lukewarm water. Make sure the water is not too hot, as it can cause the fibers to shrink or become misshapen.

Add Detergent

Add a small amount of gentle detergent to the water. Avoid using harsh detergents or bleach, as they can damage the fibers of the blanket. Use a detergent that is specifically designed for delicate fabrics.

Submerge Blanket

Submerge the crochet blanket in the water, making sure it is completely covered. Gently swirl the blanket around in the water to help distribute the detergent.

Rinse Blanket

Drain the sink or basin and refill it with clean water. Submerge the blanket in the clean water and swirl it around to rinse out any remaining detergent.

Squeeze Out Water

Remove the blanket from the water and gently squeeze out any excess water. Avoid wringing or twisting the blanket, as this can damage the fibers.

Once the blanket has been washed and rinsed, lay it flat on a clean towel and roll it up to remove any remaining water. Unroll the towel and lay the blanket flat to air dry. Avoid hanging the blanket to dry, as this can cause it to stretch or become misshapen.

As you can see, hand washing a crochet blanket is the best way to ensure that it is thoroughly cleaned and well-maintained. By following these simple steps, you can keep your crochet blanket looking beautiful for years to come.

how to wash crochet blanket

Machine Washing

Crochet blankets are delicate and require extra care when washing to avoid damage. Machine washing is an option, indeed the faster one, but it should be done with caution. Here are some steps to follow when washing a crochet blanket in a machine.

Select Delicate Cycle

When washing a crochet blanket in a machine, it is important to select the delicate cycle. The delicate cycle is designed to wash clothes that are delicate and require gentle washing. It uses less agitation and a slower spin cycle, which helps to prevent damage to the crochet fibers.

Add Detergent

Add a mild detergent to the washing machine. Avoid using bleach or fabric softener, as they can damage the fibers of the crochet blanket. Use a detergent that is formulated for delicate fabrics.

Place Blanket in Machine

Place the crochet blanket in the washing machine and make sure it is evenly distributed. Do not overload the machine, as this can cause damage to the fibers of the blanket.

Run Cycle

Run the washing machine on the delicate cycle. Use cold water, as hot water can cause the fibers of the blanket to shrink or become misshapen.

Remove Blanket

When the washing cycle is complete, remove the blanket from the machine. Do not wring or twist the blanket, as this can cause damage to the fibers. Instead, gently squeeze out any excess water and lay the blanket flat to dry.

To sum up, machine washing a crochet blanket requires extra care and attention. By following our simple steps, you can ensure that your crochet blanket is clean and undamaged.

how to wash crochet blanket


After washing, it is essential to dry the crochet blanket properly to avoid damage and maintain its shape. There are two main ways to dry a crochet blanket: laying flat to dry or using a dryer. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on personal preference and available space.

Lay Flat to Dry

Laying the crochet blanket flat to dry is the most common and recommended method as it helps maintain the shape and texture of the blanket. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Gently remove the excess water by rolling the blanket in a towel.
  2. Lay the blanket flat on a clean, dry surface, such as a table or a clean floor.
  3. Use towels or a mesh drying rack to prop up the edges of the blanket to allow air to circulate underneath.
  4. Flip the blanket occasionally to ensure even drying.

This method may take several hours or even a day to dry completely, depending on the size and thickness of the blanket. However, it is a gentle method that minimizes the risk of stretching or damaging the blanket.

Use a Dryer

Using a dryer is a faster method of drying a crochet blanket, but it can be risky as the high heat and tumbling can damage the delicate fibers. If you choose to use a dryer, follow these tips:

  1. Set the dryer to low heat or air-dry to avoid shrinking or damaging the blanket.
  2. Place the blanket in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase to protect it from snagging or stretching.
  3. Add a few clean, dry towels to the dryer to help absorb moisture and speed up the drying process.
  4. Check the blanket frequently to ensure it is drying evenly and not overheating.

Using a dryer is not recommended for delicate or intricate crochet blankets as it can damage the fibers and cause them to lose their shape. However, it can be a convenient method for thicker and more durable blankets.

Drying a crochet blanket is an important step in maintaining its shape and texture. Whether you choose to lay it flat or use a dryer, it is essential to take care to avoid damaging the delicate fibers. By following these tips, you can ensure that your crochet blanket stays beautiful and cozy for years to come.


Storing a crochet blanket is als an important step to ensure that it remains in good condition for future use. Proper storage is crucial to prevent damage from pests, dust, and moisture. In this section, we will discuss the best practices for storing your crochet blanket.

Fold Blanket

Before storing your crochet blanket, it is essential to fold it properly. Folding the blanket in the correct way will help prevent creases, which can damage the fibers. Here are the steps to fold a crochet blanket:

  1. Lay the blanket flat on a clean surface.
  2. Fold the blanket in half lengthwise, matching the corners.
  3. Fold the blanket in half again, this time matching the edges.
  4. Fold the blanket in half one more time, matching the edges.

Place in Storage

Once you have folded your crochet blanket, it is time to store it. Here are some tips for storing your crochet blanket:

  1. Choose a clean, dry, and cool storage space. Avoid storing the blanket in direct sunlight or humid areas.
  2. Use a storage container that is large enough to accommodate the folded blanket without compressing it.
  3. Avoid using plastic bags or containers, as they can trap moisture and cause mildew.
  4. Instead, use a breathable fabric storage bag or wrap the blanket in acid-free tissue paper before placing it in a cardboard box.
  5. Label the storage container with the date and type of blanket to make it easier to find in the future.

Proper storage will help prevent damage and ensure that your crochet blanket is ready for use whenever you need it.

Additional Cleaning Tips

how to wash crochet blanket

Spot Cleaning

Spot cleaning is ideal for small stains or spills. Use a clean cloth or sponge to blot the stain, starting from the outer edge and working your way inward. Avoid rubbing the stain as this can cause it to spread. Once the stain has been removed, use a clean, damp cloth to rinse the area.

Removing Stains

For tougher stains, such as coffee or wine, try using a mixture of water and mild detergent. Apply the solution to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a clean cloth or sponge to blot the stain, starting from the outer edge and working your way inward. Rinse the area with a clean, damp cloth and let the blanket air dry.

Dealing with Pet Hair

Pet hair can be difficult to remove from a crochet blanket. Try using a lint roller or a rubber glove to remove the hair. Alternatively, you can use a fabric softener sheet to help loosen the hair. Simply rub the sheet over the surface of the blanket to pick up the hair.


Can crochet blankets be machine washed?

Whether or not a crochet blanket can be machine washed depends on the specific yarn and stitch pattern used. It is generally recommended to check the care instructions provided with the yarn or consult the pattern for guidance. Some crochet blankets can be machine washed on a gentle cycle, while others may require hand washing to preserve their shape and texture.

Does crochet shrink when washed?

Crochet items can shrink when washed if they are made from certain types of yarn or if they are exposed to heat or agitation. Natural fibers such as wool are more prone to shrinkage, while synthetic fibers like acrylic are less likely to shrink. It is important to follow the care instructions for the specific yarn used and consider hand washing or using a gentle cycle with cool water to minimize the risk of shrinking.

Does acrylic yarn soften after washing?

Acrylic yarn tends to soften after washing. Washing acrylic crochet items can help relax the fibers and make them feel softer and more comfortable. However, it is worth noting that the softness may vary depending on the quality of the acrylic yarn used. Additionally, using fabric softener or a gentle fabric conditioner in the wash can further enhance the softness of the yarn.

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Maximilian Blum
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